Amplify Our Sector Amplify Our Sector

Amplify Our Sector

Fams is excited to launch our new project, Amplify Our Sector, in collaboration with For-Purpose Evaluations.

We know the impact of the work the sector does is often hidden (from our funders and often ourselves too).  This project will take a deep dive into DEX for 12 organisations to discover the stories it tells and amplify their impact.

“For-Purpose Evaluations (FPE) is delighted to be partnering with Fams to help make outcomes measurement meaningful. FPE will be working closely with Fams to develop a suite of simple resources, templates and tools that participating organisations will use to produce beautiful outcomes reports that will help to demonstrate the impact of their important work,” -Eleanor Booth, Director & Founder, FPE.

There is so much collective knowledge and experience across our chosen organisations!

Our Amplify organisations are:

Blacktown Area Community Centre, Barnardos Australia (Western NSW), CASPA, Karabi Community Development Services, Maitland Family Support, Richmond Community Services, Riverwood Community Centre, Samaritans, Southern Youth and Family Services, Tamworth Family Support Services, The Canopy and The Northern Centre.

Watch this space as we share our journey throughout the project. And remember, we will have resources that we will share sector wide for those who are unable to join the program!