

Sector Support – DEX Clinics

We’re excited to announce that we have received a new contract from DCJ to reinstate our DEX support clinics over the next few months.

Clinics will be available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays delivered by Fiona Morrison.

The focus will be improving DEX data entry, SCORE collection and understanding your DEX reports to tell stories of impact.

You will need to already have access to DEX to book into the clinics. Secure your spot now.

As part of our core business, Fams always provides TEI/DEX support to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. Please email [email protected] to book into a support session.

Amplify Our Sector Project

We know the impact of the work the sector does is often hidden (from our funders and often ourselves too).  This project will take a deep dive into DEX for 12 organisations to discover the stories it tells and amplify their impact. Click here to read more.

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