
3 June 2021

Fams’ district workshops help 366 people upskill on DEX reporting

Fams’ district workshops help 366 people upskill on DEX reporting

A total of 366 people participated in the Fams DEX, Data and Demonstrating Outcomes workshops last month.

These TEI District Zoom workshops assisted services across NSW how to access new Key TEI Resources. These resources are designed to help you navigate your Data Exchange (DEX) Reports, in particular the TEI Activity Report.

We also looked at ways you can use your DEX Reports to check that what you are reporting aligns with the schedule in your contract. 

Across the 15 District workshops, there were 366 participants with 46% (169) completing the online poll. 54% (76) of those respondents indicated that they can now use the TEI DEX reports in their work most of the time or all of the time, with another 43% (60) suggesting they could some of the time

It is good to see that most of the respondents are already using data for continuous improvement as well as outcomes measurement to inform practice.

Despite the enthusiasm from the sector in reporting on the Data Exchange and engaging in the reports available, we understand from many in the workshop conversations that there is still some confusion around how to report the TEI Program Activities and Service Types in DEX using SCORE to report outcomes, and understanding the different reports available.

If you missed out on coming to one of these workshops or would like to participate again, we are conducting a hybrid model of delivering information to the sector on the morning of Friday 11th June. This will be conducted face-to-face for participants who can travel into the Sydney CBD, and via Zoom for others.

Book here to register for either option.

Your feedback about how we can help the sector is always appreciated. This enables us to develop the next workshop or sector support activity. As an organisation or an individual worker, you can email us on [email protected] if you need further clarity or suggestions. We encourage you all to regularly visit the DCJ TEI Program website for information here.

We will continue to provide opportunities for the sector to engage in both state-wide and District-based conversations about what the DEX TEI data is telling us as an organisation, locally and across NSW. 

Look out for information in our Weekly Wrap about our state-wide road trip later this year.