
17 April 2024

National consultation on how non-Indigenous NGOs can work collaboratively with ACCOs

National consultation on how non-Indigenous NGOs can work collaboratively with ACCOs

Families Australia have been engaged by the Department of Social Services to undertake the ‘Changing the Balance’ research project which explores the potential impact on non-indigenous Non-Government Organisations (NGOs).

They are hosting a series of sector consultation sessions to explore how non-Indigenous NGOs can best work collaboratively with First Nations organisations in supporting the growth and capacity of the ACCO sector.

The consultations will help to better understand the potential changes and impacts on non-Indigenous NGOs as sector funding profiles change to accommodate a shift in proportionate investment for child and family support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs).

There are two sessions for NSW:

Part of the research project also includes a survey, which you can fill out here.