
20 September 2023

Fams presents smalltalk Big Yarns at AbSec Quarterly Forum

Fams presents smalltalk Big Yarns at AbSec Quarterly Forum

This week Fams was invited to attend the Absec Quarterly Forum to share about smalltalk Big Yarns, the supported playgroup enhancement program that has been successfully rolled out across Victoria with outstanding outcomes for children and families.

Lauren and Bronte alongside Kate Spalding from the Parenting Research Centre presented on the program and sought to listen to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations about their initial impressions and gain insights about how this might work in the NSW context.

Some very dynamic and important discussions resulted, with positive feedback clear insights into what processes and consultation needs to happen prior to any co design and adaptation.

We’re very excited for the potential of this Supported Playgroup program, and grateful to Absec and their members for sharing their insights with us.