DCJ is soon to commence recommissioning of the Targeted Earlier Intervention and Family Connect and Support programs.
Susan, our CEO is a member of the newly reformed Early Intervention Central Council.
The Council’s role is to act as a state-wide consultative body to share sector knowledge and expertise, provide strategic advice, and problem solve to better inform the recommissioning of TEI and FCS services across the state by:
• Providing high level strategic advice regarding recommissioning implementation and activities
• Exploring interdependencies and areas for partnerships to reduce silos across DCJ and the sector
• Upholding TEI/FCS recommissioning principles
• Support communication strategies to the sector about the TEI/FCS recommissioning
Membership is made up of early intervention Peaks, and DCJ internal stakeholders, with other relevant guests and contributors to be invited as required.
Fams will be consulting widely with the sector to ensure we advocate on recommissioning from the perspective of those who understand it best; the people who work with these families every day to ensure the safety and well-being of children.
Join us on the 19th March 1:00-2:30pm for our first TEI and Family Connect and Support Recommissioning Sector Conversation with Anthony Shannon, Director of Early Intervention, Volunteering and Youth, DCJ.
Anthony will walk us through the recommissioning process with an opportunity for questions from the sector.