
25 October 2023

Together we can Raise The Age in NSW

Fams is joining with our fellow peak bodies NCOSS, AbSec, Youth Action DVNSW, First Nations organisations, advocates, workers and frontline services to call on the New South Wales Government to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to at least 14. 

In NSW, kids as young as 10 can be arrested. The earlier children come into contact with the system the more likely it is that they have ongoing contact with the system. 

This contact is traumatic, and it doesn’t deliver safer communities. 

The evidence tells us what we do now harms children and hurts families and communities. Worse, what we do now does not work, not for our kids or for community safety. 

All children deserve to flourish and thrive. 

We can do better. We must do better. We invite organisations in NSW to join with us. Our children deserve better than this.  

The campaign in NSW is building significant momentum and we encourage you to be a part of that. Sign up to support us, and many others, to #RaiseTheAge in NSW. www.raisetheagensw.org.au