The new DCJ Evidence Portal was launched this week to help providers design services for children and young people.
The Evidence Portal currently includes:
- Evidence Reviews capturing rigorously evaluated programs and services
- Evidence-informed programs identified in these reviews
- Core components for identified groups of people (at this stage, core components are available for services that provide supports to keep children and young people safe and support them to thrive)
Three evidence reviews are currently located on the portal: Preventing Child Maltreatment; Youth Mentoring; and Cultural Safety and Wellbeing. Further reviews are planned.
Over time, the portal will also include:
- Evidence reviews to identify emerging research evidence
- Evaluations of promising service models and programs
The Evidence Portal supports the DCJ evidence-informed practice approach across the early intervention service system.
This approach supports using evidence to design, implement and improve our programs and services.
It highlights the importance of the research evidence, the lived experience and voice of clients, and the professional expertise of the sector.
Enquiries about the Evidence Portal can be directed here and the portal can be found here.