
30 January 2024

Don’t forget to register for the Fams Creativity Lab!

Don’t forget to register for the Fams Creativity Lab!

Are you a leader in your organisation about to embark on a review of your service design in the lead up to recommissioning? This day is for you!

Held on 14th March, this immersive day will be a chance to explore new ideas and energy when reviewing service design as we move towards recommissioning.

We’re excited to have Superorganism Collective and Nature Fix as part of the day, to challenge our ways of thinking and connect with nature.

The Superorganism Collective will set the days tone. They are a group of artists, scientist, anthropologists and change makers who take inspiration from bees as superorganisms, and inspire groups to think in innovative ways to address complex systems challenges.

Nature Fix. are a team of landscape architects, anthropologists, ecologists, psychologists, creative designers and First Nation custodians who work with organisations, government and communities to provide low-cost high impact nature-based health interventions. They will share with us evidence on the benefits of nature-based interventions for clients and practitioners that can be easily integrated into service delivery.

Together, we’ll draw inspiration from diverse fields like mental health, arts, community development, and nature, ensuring your service design stands out with fresh ideas.

This is a free event. Spaces are limited and we will be looking for representation across all DCJ districts. A travel subsidy of $250 is available to support travel costs for our regional and rural colleagues.

Click here to fill out our EOI!