
14 June 2023

Fams’ conference collaborations with Autism Friendly and Hidden Disabilities!

Fams’ conference collaborations with Autism Friendly and Hidden Disabilities!

Fams is thrilled to be partnering with Autism Friendly and Hidden Disabilities to ensure our conference is fun, inclusive and accessible.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower aims to raise awareness, provide training to businesses, and share stories to foster a more inclusive and understanding society. While some disabilities are apparent, many are not immediately noticeable to others.

The Sunflower is a discreet symbol that can be seen from a distance, serving as a signal to others that the wearer may have additional needs. To ensure the comfort and support of everyone attending the conference, all Fams staff and conference volunteers will receive training prior to the event to be understanding and responsive towards individuals with hidden disabilities.

Our friends at Autism Friendly are also supporting our learning journey! Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) is Australia’s largest providers of services for people on the spectrum. The team will be working with Fams to complete a venue assessment, identifying any accessibility challenges and providing valuable feedback on sensory adaptations, as well as facilitating a quiet room. Together, we will develop a visual story for conference delegates. Visual stories are used to prepare a person for and increase the predictability of a new environment or situation. This helps bring familiarity to a process and to reduce anxiety and stress.

Click here to register for the conference!