This week Fams submitted a comprehensive ministerial briefing to The Hon. Kate Washington MP, Minister for Families and Communities, summarising key points regarding the critical role of non-governmental organisations in delivering Family Preservation Services (FPS) in NSW.
The briefing highlighted the urgent need for clarity, consistency, and certainty in policy settings to mitigate the current uncertainties surrounding the recommissioning of the Family Preservation Program. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of addressing staff turnover and capacity constraints at the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), as well as the housing crisis that impacts service delivery.
The ministerial brief is the result of extensive consultations within the sector, which included a forum attended by 30 sector representatives hosted by Fams. Additionally, the Department of Communities and Justice conducted a series of co-design workshops in 2022 focused on the recommissioning of family preservation. These organisations represented both Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO) and non-indigenous services, thereby offering a comprehensive cross-section of the sector.
Fams is looking forward to meeting with the Minister on June 6th to discuss these issues.
To read the brief, click here.