
4 August 2022

DCJ resources to help you with DEX SCOREs

DCJ resources to help you with DEX SCOREs

Congratulations to everyone in the TEI Program who completed their reporting in the Data Exchange (DEX) by the closing date in July. 

Fams was reminded recently of two documents that DCJ developed to support services, the first in navigating Key TEI Resources on the website and the second in developing tools for DEX SCOREs.

InDEX is a document that contains links to resources on the DCJ website that relate to service delivery and reporting in the TEI Program.

The TEI Outcomes Alignment Tool (TOAT) provides examples of Circumstance, Goal and Satisfaction SCORE statements, aligned to the TEI Program Outcomes in your contract and specific to each of the SCORE domains types. You could use these statements to develop your surveys or measurement tools. If you would like support from Fams in developing new or assessing your current measurement tools (along with this document), please contact us at [email protected].