
14 July 2022

Fams welcomes fourth-year Social Work student

Fams welcomes fourth-year Social Work student

A fourth-year Social Work student has joined Fams for several months as part of her work placement program.

Bronte Johns is a fourth-year student studying for a Bachelor of Social Work at Western Sydney University.

She completed her first placement with the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) working in the Triage and Assessment Team. Here, she worked directly with children and families on a micro level.

“I’m super excited to be joining Fams for the next few months so I can take a step back and learn and understand how advocacy work looks on a macro level,” Bronte says.

“I’m particularly passionate about rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and hope that my career will encompass this in the future.

“I also hope to work further with children and families and wish to support the LGBTQI+ community as myself and many others close to me identify with this community.”

Bronte is looking forward to gaining a better understanding of what a peak body looks like, and how it runs.

“Policy work is an area of social work that I’m less familiar with and I’m very grateful to have landed such an important placement that will give me some great insights into the sector,” Bronte says.

“In the short time I’ve been with Fams, I’ve already been given some great opportunities and have been part of some interesting and important conversations. I’m quickly realising that policy work is something I’m passionate about and I’m looking forward to furthering my knowledge for a career in the sector.”

Welcome to the team, Bronte! We look forward to working with you over the next few months!