
9 June 2022

Fams Supports Vital Research on Parents with Intellectual Disability

Fams Supports Vital Research on Parents with Intellectual Disability

Fams is actively supporting emerging research into the needs of parents with intellectual disability.

Fams is involved in the Toward Access and Equity for Parents with Intellectual Disability study, which has been funded by an Access to Justice Innovation Fund grant by the NSW Government.

The goal was to build local evidence about the assessment of parenting capacity when a parent has a diagnosis of intellectual disability or a suspected cognitive impairment.

In addition, the Supporting the Woman, Supporting the Mother project has been funded by the National Disability Research Partnership, hosted by the University of Melbourne and funded by the Department of Social Services.

Fams is on the project team of this scoping study, which examined the interface between NDIS and early intervention family support services, assessing the implications for mothers with intellectual disability.

The study uncovers barriers to service integration in NSW.

The Research Centre for Children and Families at the University of Sydney is hosting webinars on both projects.


Webinar 1: Toward Access and Equity for Parents with Intellectual Disability study

This webinar is for professional working in child protection and care matters in NSW. It will focus on research about parenting capacity assessments for the Children’s Court of NSW and will be held on Thursday 23 June from 1pm to 2pm.

The webinar will outline key findings from surveys, focus groups and expert reports about practice and system barriers. It will also launch a disability-informed practice resource for authorised clinicians and report writers, lawyers, caseworkers, and other child protection professionals.

Register your interest below, and you’ll be sent the webinar link and program.

[button link=”https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8eSiD8eQiwWYxKK” type=”big” color=”lightblue” newwindow=”yes”] Expression of Interest Form[/button]


Webinar 2: Supporting the Woman, Supporting the Mother project

This webinar will cover the research about support for parents with intellectual disability through the NDIS and mainstream services. It will be held on Wednesday 29 June from 12pm to 1pm and is aimed at people with a disability or their advocates, NDIS service providers, caseworkers, and other professionals working with families where a parent has intellectual disability.

This webinar will outline the findings from research to understand whether services are working together to support parents with intersecting parenting and disability-related needs.

The webinar will launch a website with practical resources for parents and service providers, video interviews with co-researchers with intellectual disability, and more. All resources were developed in partnership with co-researchers with lived experience.

Register your interest below, and you’ll be sent the webinar link and program.

[button link=”https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8qtPeT5oqpVhOF8″ type=”big” color=”lightblue” newwindow=”yes”] Expression of Interest Form[/button]


For more information please contact the research team by email, and watch this space for more updates from Fams.