Are you a non-government practitioner working with children and families who receive Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI), Family Connect and Support or Family Preservation services funded by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ)?
If so, there are some new learning opportunities for you, provided by Change Together.
Change Together is a learning program which offers guidance on all aspects of child protection.
Choose from the following upcoming workshop dates, and register here.
Tuesday 24 May – Foundations of child protection
Wednesday 25 May – Talking with children and young people
Wednesday 8 June – Commonly co-occurring issues in child protection
Thursday 9 June – Foundations of child protection
Tuesday 21 June – Trauma responsive practice
Why not equip yourself and your team with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to partner with families to create meaningful and sustainable change in the lives of children?
[button link=”https://www.dcj.nsw.gov.au/service-providers/change-together.html” type=”big” color=”lightblue” newwindow=”yes”] More information [/button]