
31 March 2022

DCJ Invites NGOs to Apply for Mental Health Support

DCJ Invites NGOs to Apply for Mental Health Support

The Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ) is offering free mental health support to selected NGOs employing frontline casework staff in NSW.

The program targets those delivering services in Aboriginal Child & Family Centres, Family Preservation (FP), Permanency Support (PSP), Out of Home Care (OOHC) and Intensive Therapeutic Care programs.

The Caseworker Wellbeing Check is part of the NSW government’s $130 million mental health recovery package. It supports frontline DCJ casework staff working in child protection and out of home care.

The NGO Caseworker Wellbeing Program involves individual wellbeing checks to help workers feel mentally healthy, valued and safe to perform at their best in all aspects of life.

The wellbeing check involves a confidential one-to-one telehealth session with a mental health specialist to determine their general wellbeing, welfare, psychological safety and potential mental health risks. The check operates in addition to supports provided through the employee assistance programs.

To access the service, service providers will need to register with DCJ. Once your organisation is registered, the process will involve staff:

• completing an online questionnaire
• attending a one-to-one confidential interview with a mental health specialist
• accessing referrals to appropriate services, if further support is identified.

For more information, email Karen Connor, Manager Capability & Practice, at [email protected]