
20 January 2022

Webinar Registration – Sector Support to Update COVID-19 Management Plans

Webinar Registration – Sector Support to Update COVID-19 Management Plans
With the rising COVID-19 numbers, driven by the Omicron variant, it is likely to have disrupted implementation of your COVID-19 management plans as initially drafted.

To assist you in reviewing and updating your COVID-19 management plans, DCJ is holding a series of webinar sessions that revisit some of the previous guidance material and consider this in light of changed circumstances owing to Omicron. The sessions will consider the impact of the Omicron variant on service delivery and the implications for service provider’s COVID-19 management plans.

The webinars will also provide a ‘community of practice’ forum where providers can raise issues with DCJ staff and each another to facilitate shared learning.

Register to join Webinar 3: Centre based and other service types (incl. Targeted Earlier Intervention and other services): Friday 28 January, 09.30-11.00am – Register for webinar 3

More information including that related to COVID-19 management plans can be found on the Guide to recovery and sector support for COVID-19 management webpage.