
13 January 2022

COVID-19 Emergency Action Payment

COVID-19 Emergency Action Payment

Late last year, DCJ introduced the COVID-19 Emergency Action Payment as a supplementary payment to support TEI service providers delivering face-to-face services in the Wellbeing and Safety stream.

This payment is designed to cover reasonable workforce costs associated with having to take emergency action caused by COVID-19.

Where an organisation has already incurred extraordinary workforce costs in response to COVID-19 and these were outside of your business continuity plans, DCJ will consider retrospective applications for expenses incurred from 1 July 2021.

DCJ has previously advised that COVID-19 stimulus and supplementary funding can be used to cover workforce expenses like isolation/ quarantine leave and a surge workforce.

Fams believes organisations have a responsibility to support their workers financially to reduce anxiety about staying home to comply with Public Health Orders.

The COVID-19 Emergency Action Payment supports you to do just that.

This payment is still available to eligible TEI funded organisations, and Fams strongly encourages you to take advantage of this additional funding.

Full information on how you can apply is on the DCJ website.