
21 October 2021

The Ultimate Playlist for Young People

The Ultimate Playlist for Young People

The Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) have collaborated with young people to compile ‘the ultimate playlist’ on Spotify.

Young people across NSW were invited to send up to three of their favourite songs to sing to, exercise to, or relax to.

NSW Advocate for Children and Young People and Children’s Week Ambassador Zoë Robinson said the goal was to create a nurturing, relevant playlist young people could access whenever they want.

All participants went into the running to win one of 10 prizes on offer.

“This is a challenging time for our community and it’s important that we support young people,” Zoë Robinson said.

“Young people told us in consultations that they wanted opportunities that were not on Zoom, so we created the playlist as a way for young people to submit their favourite songs to share with all young people in NSW. More than 700 young people responded, submitting up to three songs each to create a playlist of more than 16 hours of music to enjoy.”

The final Young People’s Choice playlist is now available and you can access it here.

Why not share the playlist link with the young people in your networks, so they will have an opportunity to enjoy music selected by their peers?