
21 October 2021

Ending the Ongoing Stolen Generations: Have your say on the Draft Bill

Ending the Ongoing Stolen Generations: Have your say on the Draft Bill

NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge has been working with First Nations organisations to change the law to prevent Aboriginal child removals.

The office is doing this by implementing the groundbreaking Family is Culture report to end the ongoing Stolen Generations.

Today, David Shoebridge will take the first step to introduce a Bill into the NSW Parliament to legislate the report.

He is asking for your feedback via an online briefing and consultation session on the Bill:

When: 12-1pm Wednesday 27th October 2021
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83979359281?pwd=SVppN3IvdERWTzVCMm0rUG5pbjlXZz09
RSVP: [email protected]
Please read the Discussion Paper and draft Bill here.

Please also make a submission on the Bill by Wednesday 10 November via email, phone, or by completing the short feedback form here.

These reforms, if made law, will keep more families together and prevent the lasting trauma and tragedy of separation.