
28 October 2021

18 NSW kids question National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds about COVID-19

18 NSW kids question National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds about COVID-19

Both adults and children carry the burden of COVID-19 anxiety, especially as restrictions ease and NSW starts to open up.

It’s important we listen to the questions coming from our young people and offer clear and honest answers about the pandemic.

With this in mind, we hosted a Virtual Children’s Question Time between 18 NSW kids and young adults and our National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds.

We’d love to share the 15-minute video with you.

Children’s Week 2021, from 23-31 October, celebrates the right of every child to enjoy childhood.

Kids have a right to be informed, with information about the pandemic tailored to their age and developmental stage.

Enjoy watching our 18 children and young people engage the Commissioner with a range of questions about COVID-19 during this special Virtual Children’s Question Time with Fams and representatives from The Deaf Society.