
5 August 2021

“Self-care is not self-ISH! Self-care for TEI workers”©

“Self-care is not self-ISH! Self-care for TEI workers”©

With half of Australia now in lockdown, we are trying to navigate through some very challenging times. If you haven’t been proactively putting your own self-care needs into your daily routine, you may be at a greater risk of stressed or burnout.

As a way of supporting TEI frontline workers and acknowledge the amazing difference you make, LEAD is offer an eLearning course at a very reasonable price.

This 30-minute self-paced eLearning course offers some practical, low-cost, sustainable strategies that you can implement now.

These strategies will not only get you through these really tough times, but improve your quality of life in the long-term.

The course will:

  • Provide an overview of the importance of self-care;
  • Understand the barriers to self-care;
  • Explore the potential impact of stress and burnout;
  • Develop the ability to identify pre-burnout symptoms;
  • Provide a list of potential self-care activities;
  • Use a framework to help you to commit to an ‘Implementation and Review Plan’ to overcome the barriers to self-care

    This eLearning course is for community sector professionals including managers, team leaders, support workers, caseworkers, counsellors, social workers, community development workers and other practitioners who directly support vulnerable children, individuals, families, and communities.