
13 May 2021

Join Fams for fortnightly ‘practice’ conversations

Join Fams for fortnightly ‘practice’ conversations

Would you like to speak with other service providers about current issues that are relevant to you?

If so, join our Fams ‘practice’ conversations every second Thursday afternoon.

These are held from 3-4pm via Zoom, and provide a space for you to talk with others facing similar changes or challenges to you.

Last Thursday, for example, we looked at the updated NSW Interagency Guidelines for Practitioners 2021.

The Guidelines are a resource for all government and non-government agencies working in the child and family services sector. It provides key information and guidance to assist interagency partners to work collaboratively to help meet the safety, welfare and wellbeing needs of children and young people in NSW.

The revised Guidelines replace the Child Wellbeing and Child Protection NSW Interagency Guidelines 2012. Find the updated resource here.

Our next practice conversation is Thursday 3rd June from 3pm-4pm.

Follow our Facebook events page for updates.