
1 February 2021

DCJ to roll out 1000 scholarships to vulnerable students

DCJ to roll out 1000 scholarships to vulnerable students

The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) will offer up to 1000 scholarships to students enrolled in education or training in 2021.

Successful applicants will each receive $1,000 to help with school expenses and secondary support services.

Who can apply?

The scholarships are eligible to people studying in one of the following in 2021:

  • year 10, 11 or 12 at a NSW high school or equivalent at a TAFE college
  • a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship
  • a VET subject at a NSW high school.

The applicant must also be either a social housing client or living in out-of-home-care.
This can include:

  • living in public housing, including Aboriginal housing
  • being on the NSW Housing Register (wait list)
  • receiving private rental assistance from DCJ (not Centrelink)
  • receiving a Rent Choice product
  • living in community housing/Aboriginal community housing
  • living in housing provided by a Local Aboriginal Land Council
  • living in Supported Accommodation through a Specialist Homelessness Service Provider
  • living in statutory, supported or voluntary out-of-home care.

Applications open 15 October 2020 and close 19 February 2021.

Click on the link https://nsw-facs.smapply.io to register.