Fams is thrilled to announce that we have secured funding from DCJ to launch training for TEI-supported playgroup practitioners in the evidence-based program, smalltalk!
Over the next 12 months, Fams and the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) will deliver FREE training in smalltalk to 120 practitioners across NSW over four training events.
To ensure access for our regional, rural and remote colleagues, Fams will offer a travel subsidy.
smalltalk is a set of evidence-based parenting strategies that parents can use to enhance the home learning environment for their children from birth to school age.
smalltalk aims to increase parent’s confidence to do the things we know can have a positive impact on their child’s learning. It is about using everyday opportunities and the activities that many parents already do in the home to enhance their children’s learning and development. smalltalk also includes ideas on how parents can look after themselves and helps build links with their community and local services.
Developed in Victoria by the Parenting Research Centre (PRC), smalltalk has been demonstrated to improve the learning outcomes of children living in families that can benefit from additional support.
The program has been found to increase:
- Quality and frequency of parent’s interactions with their children
- Level of stimulation in the home environment
- Parental self-care (stress management and seeking support)
- Parenting confidence
- Parents’ connection to their community and local services.
The first 2-day training event is scheduled for the 8th and 9th of August.
To apply for a place in one of the training events, please click here.
To read more about smalltalk and the benefits it can bring to the families in your community, check out the website here.